Rapier Rules
This document provides the rules specific to the rapier tournaments. All rules outlined in the General Tournament Standards also apply to the rapier tournaments, and offer more depth on the criteria for scoring actions.
Rules are subject to change up to the commencement of the tournament.
Tournament Goal
The goal of this rule set is to promote a style of fencing that is skillful, artful and martial, as well as representative of the 17th century rapier treatises that the vast majority of the HEMA community currently studies. We wish to encourage fencing which showcases the techniques described in the treatises for dueling with sharp rapiers, while acknowledging that a tournament match can never be a recreation of an actual duel.
Participants are only able to register for Single Rapier, or Rapier & Dagger. SoCal Swordfight will then seed fighters into appropriate tournament tier based on results of past tournaments, with the aim of creating as many meaningful matches as possible. (That means that there will be Single Tier-A, Single Tier-B, Rapier+Dagger Tier-A, and Rapier+Dagger Tier-B.)
Illegal Actions
- All illegal actions from the General Tournament Rules apply to this tournament, including but not limited to: lack of control/excessive force, high amplitude throws, or anything else that has a high chance to hurt somebody. Refer to the General Tournament Rules for more details.
- Exposing the spine or back of the head to the opponent. Note that if your opponent does expose such targets it is still your responsibility to do what you can to arrest the power of your strike.
- All “Body Wrestling” is forbidden. This includes throws and pushing a fighter out of bounds. (It is, of course, still legal to pressure an opponent to back up even if they are at the edge of the ring.)
- Blade grabs of stationary blades are permitted; however the blade must be released after a single action. Should a fighter continue to hold the blade they will be assessed a non-safety penalty of 1 point.
- Strikes with the pommel or hilt are not permitted.
- Grabbing the opponent’s hilt with intention to twist the hilt is prohibited.
Scoring Actions
Matches will be fought until a fighter reaches a score of 7 points.
Point Values:
- Thrust Head or Torso 3 pts
- Thrust all other targets 1 pt
- Cut* ‘Head’, Arm, or Leg 1 pt
*a cut with the dagger is only valid against the head.
Quality standards for cuts in the rapier tournament also includes a drawing/slicing action with follow through. All other standards for cuts/thrust are applicable.
A scoring hit must be delivered to conclude the exchange. A Destreza style ‘conclusion’ will not be awarded points if the attack is not delivered.
Afterblow and Double Hits will be scored in accordance with the General Tournament Rules. (Afterblow is -1 from initial score. Don’t double.)
Hand deflections (parries) are permitted against thrusts in motion if they are performed by pushing the hand or forearm laterally against the opponent’s blade.
Wrestling and Takedowns
All “Body Wrestling” is forbidden. This includes throws and pushing a fighter out of bounds. (It is, of course, still legal to pressure an opponent to back up even if they are at the edge of the ring.)
Blade grabs of stationary blades are permitted; however the blade must be released after a single action. Should a fighter continue to hold the blade they will be assessed a non-safety penalty of 1 point.
The amount of time permitted for a standing "arm-wrestling" action is a single action after the grappling has been initiated. (Same as a blade grab). Failure to release the grapple after being unable to score in a single action is not a penalty, as it would be in the case of a blade grab. The director will simply call hold and reset the fighters.
All protective equipment and weapons must be inspected prior to competition. A fighter must show up to gear check wearing their equipment.
Protective Equipment
All equipment from the General Tournament Standards is required, in addition to the following:
- Leather fencing gloves or equivalent are required for the weapon hand(s). Light padded glove required for empty-off hand. (eg: fencing coaches glove)
- A protective torso garment purpose built for fencing is required. Examples include: longsword jackets, light fencing jackets, and tight mesh maille. Approval is at the discretion of the director.
- Shin protection is not required but recommended.
All swords (and daggers) will be inspected before use. Only rapier blades may be used. Epee, foil, and other blades meant for classical or Olympic fencing are prohibited.
Rapiers and daggers must have tips with a bright contrasting tip color (such as black tip with gold tape or vice versa). This is to enhance the ability of judges to see thrusted blows.
Swords must match the following specifications:
- Historical replicas of rapiers with a long blade meant for sporting-historical fencing are expected. Modern epee, Musketeer-style, or foil blades are not permitted.
- The length of the handle, type of hilt or width of cross-guard is not limited. The cross-guard/quillons must be rounded at both ends.
- The point of the primary weapon must be blunt and rounded and covered with a protective tip. The tip must be additionally secured with tape. Acceptable tips include properly fitted plastic, rubber, or leather. Adequacy of protection will be judged by the main referee or tournament organizer. The point of the primary and side weapon must be covered by tape in contrasting colors (such as black/gold, red/blue, etc) for better visibility.
- The blade must not bear signs of heavy damage. It must not be bent, broken or ruptured such that it may pose a risk of breaking during combat. Blades will also be inspected for edge damage such as burrs which must be repaired prior to competition.
- Sword measurements are expected to fall within these ranges:
- Blade Length: < 45"
- Overall Length: < 51”
- Sword Mass: 0.6 - 1.4 kg (1.3 - 3.1 lbs. )
- Buckling Strength: 10 - 25 lbs (How is this measured?)
- Swords not manufactured by a recognized manufacturer will be tested for an edge hardness above 45 HR. (Any properly manufactured sword should pass this without difficulty).
Parrying Daggers must match the following specifications:
- The dagger blade must be straight. Daggers with more blades or with a special ricasso meant for intercepting a weapon (i.e. trident daggers and swordbreakers) or curved daggers are not permitted in the tournament.
- The point of the primary weapon must be blunt and rounded and covered with a protective tip. The tip must be additionally secured with tape. Acceptable tips include properly fitted plastic, rubber, or leather. Adequacy of protection will be judged by the main referee or tournament organizer. The point of the primary and side weapon must be covered by tape in contrasting colors (such as black/gold, red/blue, etc) for better visibility.
- The blade must not bear signs of heavy damage. It must not be bent, broken or ruptured such that it may pose a risk of breaking during combat. Blades will also be inspected for edge damage such as burrs which must be repaired prior to competition.
- Sword measurements are expected to fall within these ranges:
- Blade Length: < 18"
- Overall Length: < 24”
- Swords not manufactured by a recognized manufacturer will be tested for an edge hardness above 45 HRC. (Any properly manufactured sword should pass this without difficulty).