WEIRD Open is hosted by Austin Historical Weapons Guild. The event features multiple single-exchange weapons tournaments where the primary goal is to not get hit. The event is all-inclusive, one fee covers admission to any of the tournaments you wish to compete in, includes food and snacks all day Saturday and breakfast Sunday morning, as well as the ability to 'camp out' on the turf field.
This year we are introducing the WEIRD Track, where fencers will fight the same opponent with three different weapons, back-to-back. This will be after our regular pools which are shrinking this year from 12 to 9ish to allow for two full rounds of fighting. Our Sunday time range has been expanded as well which means we are able to host a 3 vs 3 melee event, as well as bringing harnessfechten into the mix for the very first time!
To close out, we want to remind people why we love hosting this unique event every year . It isn’t for the prizes or medals (though glitter trophies are the gift that keep on giving) and it isn’t about bragging rights (ok, maybe a little because who doesn’t want to say they are a weird champion). Instead, we are doing this for the love of the sport, the art, and most of all, for the community.