This will be a HEMA tournament in Adelaide, South Australia, over two days, offering Open Longsword and Open Sabre categories.
It will be in a pools and elimination format.
We also invite all experienced HEMA fencers to challenge our senior fencers in a Prize play. Ben Keiller and Rhys Kinlough will face all
comers for one hour each, proving their skill and tenacity to their peers. Rhys is attempting his Longsword Freifechter, and Ben his
Dussack/Hiebfechten Freifechter. Both have been preparing for most of this year.
The tournament will be held at Adelaide Sword Academy (Pitman road, Windsor Gardens) on the Saturday 26nd Nov.
It will be held at Botanic Park on Sunday 27th Nov.
All competitors must present by 9am each day at the venue.
The Sunday will be Sabre, with Ben Keiller's prize play to follow.
The Saturday event will be Open Longsword, with Rhys Kinlough's examination to follow
There will be time for social freeplay on both days.