Sprawl HEMA Tournament 2023

Final Results

Longsword - Open Steel Show All ↓
1 Jason Woo San Diego Swordfighters
2 Max Zimet San Diego Swordfighters
3 Kevin Criswell Kron Martial Arts, Fullerton
4 Karsten Lambert Antelope Valley Kunst Des Fechtens
Fight, make friends! The inaugural Sprawl HEMA tournament will be a no-frills longsword tournament and sparring mixer for all SoCal HEMA Practitioners. Show up, fight intensely, make new friends, and go home happy! There will be no prizes, medals, or HEMA rating to worry about, only bringing your best to the floor.
HEMA Scorecard
Developed by Sean Franklin
A SwordSTEM project
you found me
Supported by the
HEMA Alliance