Chicago's favorite HEMA tourney, Featuring 3 main events: Longsword, Sword Alone, and Sword plus Companion (Allowing: dagger, rotella, cloak, buckler)!!
Hosted By the Chicago Swordplay Guild at Forteza Fitness & Martial Arts.
New Features Pending
The winners of these three events, and a 4th person to be chosen by the acclaim of the fighters, will duke it out with the weapon/weapons they won their respective tourneys with (the acclaimed gets to pick), to determine the Winter King (or Queen or Sovereign, their call). This Sovereign will be granted the Golden snow Shovel of Midwestern Glory as reward. Tourney winners also get rewards from our sponsors.
Chicago Rule set will be published soon. Be aware that these rules are more unkind to double hits than many other rules sets.
Sorry, no sabers.
We look forward to seeing you there!