Equal Ground 2024

Final Results

Longsword - Intermediate Synthetic Show All ↓
1 Peter Xie GLECA
2 Derek Ho GLECA
3 Sarah Feely GLECA
4 Alex Savvinos GLECA
Longsword - Advanced Open Synthetic Show All ↓
1 Toby Lunn Big Tree Combat Club
2 Ken McKenzie GLECA
3 Andrew Stanley GLECA
4 Luke Prictor Big Tree Combat Club

Hello, and welcome to the return of Equal Ground, our annual tournament and memorial event for our dear friend and GLECA student, Nicole Lewanski. 'The Li'l Widow' began her journey with GLECA Sydney in early 2016. Armed with only a flyer, enthusiasm, and her grizzliest friend, Nicole quickly made an impression on us. With her love of swords and drive to learn, participate, and expand her presence in the club, and the role of women in HEMA, Nicole was the very model of the eager student. Sadly, she passed away late in 2016.

GLECA commemorating our fallen GLECAN with the first Equal Ground tournament in 2017. We invite you to sign up to our tournament and fight well, have fun, remember those in our lives who are gone, and celebrate those who are still with us. Come share in the friendship and joy of the HEMA community.

About the event:

About the tiers:



PPE requirements:

If there is any issues in registering for the event please message us through our Facebook page. GLECA SYDNEY

HEMA Scorecard
Developed by Sean Franklin
A SwordSTEM project
you found me
Supported by the
HEMA Alliance