NJ Kloppfechters Sooper Serial Rapier Event 2024

Final Results

Rapier (Single) - Steel

1 Sai Rallabhandi Bucks Historical Longsword
2 Constance Burns New Jersey Kloppfechters
3 Frank Douglas SCA
3 Anthony Klon Crossing Fight School
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Rapier (Single)

1 Sai Rallabhandi Bucks Historical Longsword
2 Constance Burns New Jersey Kloppfechters
2 Anthony Klon Crossing Fight School
2 Frank Douglas SCA
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This is a local rapier event with SCA and hema crossover. I expect it to be small, but I plan on hosting regularly. 

Rules are here:


HEMA Scorecard
Developed by Sean Franklin
A SwordSTEM project
you found me
Supported by the
HEMA Alliance