Texas Audacious Knife Fight 2024

Final Results

Messer - Open Steel Show All ↓
The event organizer has not finalized the tournament placings.
Bowie Knife - Open Synthetic Show All ↓
The event organizer has not finalized the tournament placings.
Dagger - Heavyweight Open Synthetic Show All ↓
1 Sheik Bacchus Schola St George, DFW
2 Jesse Wilson Arena Weapon Arts
3 Nathaniel Bryant Lake Charles HEMA Academy
4 Riley Ereno Schola St George, DFW
Dagger - Middleweight Open Synthetic Show All ↓
The event organizer has not finalized the tournament placings.
Dagger - Light Open Synthetic Show All ↓
The event organizer has not finalized the tournament placings.

Here they fight with Messers. -- May God remember them.

-- Hans Talhoffer, Fechtbuch aus dem Jahre, 1467

Welcome to the Home of the Big Ole Texas Knife fight!!

This is an SHFL Southern Historical Fencing League HEMA Open tournament that is Welcome to all forms of martial practice that will be scheduled for August in North of Houston Texas at Groundwellers in conjunction with the Purpleheart Armory warehouse and will consist of a Messer (Big Knife) & Bowie* (Little Knife) and Rondel dagger tournament primarily. Rules & tentative schedule coming soon!!**

**All Rules, schedules and expectations subject to change


Rules Can Be Found Here. Questions that require a quick response, please send an email to HEMATitans@gmail.com or contact us through our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/DerTe...


HEMA Scorecard
Developed by Sean Franklin
A SwordSTEM project
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Supported by the
HEMA Alliance