Clash for the Cash 2025

Final Results

Longsword - Openweight Steel Show All ↓
1 Stephen Cheney Bucks Historical Longsword
2 Benjamin Aycrigg Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
3 Joseph Pugnetti Unaffiliated
4 Henry Reynolds Bucks Historical Longsword

Join us for the Clash for the Cash Longsword tournament on March 1st & 2nd 2025 in Pemberton, NJ. This will be the only event of its kind in this part of the country with cash prizes and medals being awarded to the top 8 fighters.

The entry fee for the tournament is essentially a $55 buy-in, with the proceeds being given to fighters instead of merchandise. The awards will break down as follows:

$600 for 1ST place

$300 for 2ND

$150 for 3RD

$100 for 4TH

$50 for places 5-8

These amounts will be contingent upon attendance, of course, and will be based upon a roster of 60 fighters. If the tournament doesn’t sell out, the prize amounts may have to be adjusted.

This will be a two day event with a competition on day one, and free sparring on day two (though there may be a couple of classes as well - this is to be decided). There will be no sponsors, no frills, and no subdivisions….just a plump purse of prize money waiting to be claimed. It will be open to fighters of any gender or skill level. It is our intention to put together a relatively low-cost event which will be designed to give all fighters the best possible experience for the money they spend.

The event will be held at 50 Early St., Pemberton, NJ., 08068. This address corresponds to a driveway which leads to the Pemberton Boro Field House, which is an old middle school (the building is set back from the road).  

The rule set can be found here:


The waiver can be found AND filled out here:




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