2024 - Year In Review

Number of Events : 199
Countries Represented : 29
Exchanges Recorded: 332,903
Matches Fought: 42,580
Tournaments Created: 654
Tournament Entries: 14,574
Event Registrations: 9,234
Unique Participants: 5,085
Clubs Represented: 794
Viewing Year:


This information is what event organizers & match table staff have entered into the database. It's accuracy/reliability will reflect their commitment to data integrity. Tournament registrations may be slightly inflated for some events if the organizer did not remove fighters dropping prior to the tournament, etc.
By # of Events (Showing x / x)
By # of Events (Showing x / x)
By # of Events (Showing x / x)
By # of Exchanges (Showing x / x)
By # of Matches (Showing x / x)
By # of Tournaments (Showing x / x)
Entries into tournaments which have been set up with a URG/Women's/WNBT designation.
By # of Entries (Showing x / x)
By # of Entries (Showing x / x)
By # of Matches (Showing x / x)
By # of Exchanges (Showing x / x)
By # of Wins (Showing x / x)
By # of Tournaments (Showing x / x)
By # of Exchanges (Showing x / x)
Tournaments which have been set up with a URG/Women's/WNBT designation.
By # of Tournaments (Showing x / x)
Exchanges in tournaments which have been set up with a URG/Women's/WNBT designation.
By # of Exchanges (Showing x / x)
By # of Exchanges (Showing x / x)
Close matches are matches where a fighter won by only a single point, and the lowest score was higher than 3 points.
By # of Close Matches (Showing x / x)
By # of Entries (Showing x / x)
By # of Events (Showing x / x)
Shutout matches are matches where a fighter scored 4 or more points, and their opponent scored none.
By # of Shutouts (Showing x / x)
By # of Matches (Showing x / x)
By # of Exchanges (Showing x / x)
The biggest point deficit a fighter has come back from and won.
By # of Points Behind (Showing x / x)
Number of times two fighters have met in 1v1 matches, across all weapons.
By # of Matches Fought (Showing x / x)
Software Improvements/Features in 2024
(Not included: minor tweaks, back-end changes, or things I forgot I added.)


  • Improved sortability/data integrity feaures on school management page.
  • Converted Event Instructor Bios to WYSISYG instead of flat html.
  • Improved options for considering a 'white card' as a prior penalty or not.
  • Added option to show who has priority based on the last exchange.


  • Added an "Other" option for tournament check in. This can be used if there is anything else an event organizer wants to denote about a tournament's participants. The tournament options also allow for the name to display with an asterix if "Other" is selcted on that fighter.
  • Added ability to manually sort tournament locations, instead of the default alphabetical sorting.
  • Added FAQ feature, which will show up as a separate menu item if questions are populated by the event organizer.
  • Added new page to see the full staff schedule.
  • Added new page to see all tournaments that have been run, and filter by weapon.
  • Added support for running a continuous clock when using the grid-score input mode.


  • Go go April Fools Character Class page!
  • Added new utility for helping to combine duplicate fighters (since people kept finding them looking for their character class)
  • Added "Soft Cap" option for match length.
  • Brackets can now auto-seed based on fighter ratings, with no pool matches necessary to seed.
  • Misc fixes to the interface for adding people to teams.


  • Able to perma-link to rings when doing livestream links.
  • Quality of life improvements to creating new pools.


  • Quality of life improvements for software managers.


  • Ability to see, and search by, the underlying math for pool ranking algorithms.
  • Ability to see the hit breakdowns of all fighters in a tournament using the Fighter Summary page.


  • Show the team roster on mouseover of the team name.
  • Allow events to publish FAQs for their event information.


  • Basic support for prompting judges on penalty escalations. Not yet modular for different rules.
  • "On Deck" matches added to the match score window.
  • The match score window facing the participants is now mirrored from the table (so they both have the colors on the correct sides.)
  • Added a new page to show how many people were staffing each match in each tournament.


  • MOF style team tournaments (and match order) are now supported.
  • Rework Event Description page to break sections into tabs
  • Add support for double elim bracket helper on odd-sized brackets.


  • Double Elimination brackets can now be created with completely independent upper and lower sizes. (Lower can be bigger than the upper.
  • Reworked the stats annual summary with new stats, and to break up the loading time.
  • New match orders for pools. Also pools of up to 30 are supported.
  • Able to specify separate point caps for brackets and finals.
  • Option to limit the last exchange in a tournament from overflowing the max score.
  • Button to auto-assign all pools to a ring.
  • Tatami mat calculator.

HEMA Scorecard
Developed by Sean Franklin
A SwordSTEM project
you found me
Supported by the
HEMA Alliance