LoCal Swordfight 2024

Final Results

Saber - URG Steel Show All ↓
1 Bethany Hinson SoCal Swords
2 Johannes Rasinkangas SoCal Swords
3 Christina Heine SoCal Swords
4 Sam Ackerman SoCal Swords
The event organizer has not finalized the tournament placings.
Longsword - Beginners URG Steel Show All ↓
1 Mickey Avila SoCal Swords
2 Natalie Nakashima SoCal Swords
3 Christina Heine SoCal Swords
4 Sam Ackerman SoCal Swords
The event organizer has not finalized the tournament placings.
Rapier & Dagger - URG Show All ↓
1 Lacey Cupp SoCal Swords
2 Bethany Hinson SoCal Swords
3 Christina Heine SoCal Swords
The event organizer has not finalized the tournament placings.
Rapier (Single) - Open Show All ↓
1 Nishan Jayasinghe Kron Martial Arts, Fullerton
2 Derek Gill Czort Fencing
3 Nolan Duino SoCal Swords
4 Harrison Stetzer SoCal Swords
Rapier & Dagger - Open Show All ↓
1 Myles Cupp SoCal Swords
2 Jonathan Ying SoCal Swords
3 Tom Ostrowski Einhorn LA Historical Fencing Arts
4 Matthew Lawrence SoCal Swords

LoCal Swordfight is an intramural tournament for local clubs hosted by SoCal Swords. 

Tournaments are capped for time, please register via this form to guarantee a spot. https://forms.gle/ebeAGzd7zhEYqosd8 When the cap is exceeded, we will mark it on the form as WAITLIST.
Equipment will not be provided. Please bring or borrow your weapon and gear.
Cost: $30 per tournament, or one "punch" for SCS Members. No cost for spectators. 
Location: 804 N. Tustin St., Orange, CA (between Dollar Tree and Detail Garage)

HEMA Scorecard
Developed by Sean Franklin
A SwordSTEM project
you found me
Supported by the
HEMA Alliance