Cut n' Thrust Campaign 2024

Final Results

Rapier & Dagger - Open Steel Show All ↓
1 Kristian Guivarra Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy
2 Garry Andrews Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy
3 Alex Roberson Sword Fighter
4 Benjamin Pope Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy
Cut N'Thrust Campaign is a sword and dagger competition contributing points to the Australian Historical Fencing League and HEMAratings. The aim of the tournament is to showcase the skills of fencers in sword and dagger works to the wider public.
The campaign will be held at Hiker Brewery Co. in Salisbury. Tell your friends and family to come down, have a beer and enjoy the day of cuts n thrusts.
Members of the public are welcome from 10am, which is when the competition will begin.
HEMA Scorecard
Developed by Sean Franklin
A SwordSTEM project
you found me
Supported by the
HEMA Alliance