HEMA WashFechten 2024

Final Results

Longsword - Open Steel

1 Adam Milovanovic Terca School of Historical Fencing
2 Angel Chernaev Historical Swordsmanship - Angel Chernaev
3 Nenad Nikic Terca School of Historical Fencing
4 Laurentiu Badea 7 Swords HEMA Bucuresti
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This will be a single day historical fencing event focused on a longsword tournament with a separate sparring area open to various weapons outside of the tournament itself. And our local scene features folks fencing with rapiers, smallswords, sabers, sideswords, dussacks and various other weapons.

The longsword tournament will be open to all genders and rating levels, with 10 people groups, everyone judging each other during the group phase, followed by eliminations. Fencer judging pairs will be formed once full registration is done and paired up based on combined experience.

Prizes will be announced in the following months.

If you've ever been to Swordplay, Intermezzo, Megdan, Steel&Chill, Sofia CrossSwords, TeutonFecht and similar events you may recognize a similar atmosphere and even some people, try and catch all the intentional and unintentional similarities. The intent of the event is to have as many people enjoy as much great fencing as possible during a single day while also helping people get judging experience and giving various international fencers a chance to connect.

We look forward to having you at our event.

For more information go to: Hema Washfechten

HEMA Scorecard
Developed by Sean Franklin
A SwordSTEM project
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Supported by the
HEMA Alliance